Hybrid Cloud | 混合雲

  • 混合雲是什麼?
    混合雲(Hybrid Cloud)是指將本地端虛擬化的運算/儲存/網路資源(一般所謂的私有雲)與「公共雲」資源(由第三方提供運算/儲存/網路資源)整合在一起,例如:亞馬遜 Web 服務、Google 雲或微軟 Azure 就是提供雲服務的第三方,並允許數據和應用程式在兩者之間共用。

  • 你為什麼需要它?



  • 技嘉的特色

    然而,GIGABYTE 與數位無限公司建立了密切的合作,將他們的雲融合平台與我們的硬體整合,為客戶提供混合雲解決方案,可無縫整合和管理私有雲服務和公共雲服務。

    雲融合是技嘉AI-Stack的關鍵, AI-Stack 涵蓋私有雲,虛擬化 CPU(用於大數據分析)和 GPU (用於 AI 培訓),並利用軟體定義儲存叢集將它們連結在一起。AI-Stack也可以與公有雲無縫接軌,利用公有雲的優勢獲取大數據進行AI培訓,並在AI 模型經過訓練後向外提供微服務。

    6 Key Knowledge to Build the Power of Computing for Your Business


    6 Key Knowledge to Build the Power of Computing for Your Business

    Digitalization is the first strategy in technology for today's enterprises to stay ahead of others. To develop core business and conduct daily operations, enterprises need IT systems and computing power to store, process, manage and analyze the large amounts of data generated and collected every day. This guide will take you from understanding the relevant definitions of data centers to the functions of servers that are often deployed in modern popular technologies such as high performance computing (HPC), 5G, and artificial intelligence (AI).
    What is Private Cloud, and is it Right for You?

    Tech Guide

    What is Private Cloud, and is it Right for You?

    In the era of cloud computing, just about everyone has heard of the terms “private cloud” and “public cloud”. Chances are, you are using one or both of them in your everyday life—but how much do you really know about them? If you had the chance, could you build a private cloud for yourself or your organization? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in server solutions used by global cloud service providers, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will examine the difference between private and public clouds, introduce the private cloud’s advantages and limitations, and then introduce GIGABYTE products that may help you build and operate a private cloud of your own.
    [Video] CES 2020 Booth Tour


    [Video] CES 2020 Booth Tour

    Our CES booth is luminously lit to disseminate a futuristic aura, and live at the booth are tech demos available for visitors to touch and experience. On the show floor are our product experts providing insights and sharing technology experience. Let's take a look at how you can find your smart innovations in GIGABYTE's solutions!
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    [Video] Hybrid Cloud: Integration AI and big data analysis over a virtualized place

    [Video] COMPUTEX 2019 Booth Tour


    [Video] COMPUTEX 2019 Booth Tour

    We can't take you to the future with a post, but we can take you to our GIGABYTE booth, and show you what we have on display this year.
    GIGABYTE will enable your solutions of tomorrow and bring smart to life


    GIGABYTE will enable your solutions of tomorrow and bring smart to life